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Snacks and Lunch Menus

Healthy Snacks:

Most children require a snack at morning break to keep them going through the day.


Toast can be ordered as a snack from school for Y1-Y6; this should be ordered on Parentpay on a Monday by 8.30am for the week ahead. 


We encourage children to bring in healthy snacks full of vitamins and minerals containing no added salt, fat or sugar. Many of these will help contribute to their 5 daily portions of fruit and vegetables, keep them alert and help them concentrate.


It can be hard during the week to think of suitable items for them to bring in to school, but we are aiming, with the help of the children, to not only support them in making healthy choices regarding snacks, but to also reduce food packaging and waste.


We are aiming for a common-sense approach, with the key being to keep it healthy and no chocolate, sweets or crisps.


Please note that we are a NUT FREE school.


Providing snacks in a small, named, recyclable container is ideal.


Children in EYFS and KS1 have a daily snack of fruit or veg provided for free by the government, so additional snacks for these ages may not be required.


See below for some healthy ideas and inspiration:


Fresh fruit: this can include berries, apples, bananas, melons, piccolo tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, grapes and pears. If you’re feeing really adventurous, a fresh fruit salad may appeal to your child.


Dried fruit: try raisins, sultanas, apricots, apples, cranberries and others with little or no added sugars.


Smoothies: Blend fruit with juice, yogurt or milk, and ice. Many shop-made smoothies have added sugars and are not healthy choices; always check the ingredients before buying.


Vegetables: The following vegetables can be eaten raw and make ideal tasty treats: carrot sticks or baby carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, celery sticks, peppers (green, red or yellow) and snap peas.


Rice Cakes: Look for rice cakes made from brown (whole grain) rice. They come in many flavours and can be served without toppings.


Granola and Cereal Bars: Look for whole grain granola bars that are low in sugars and moderate in calories. Check to make sure they are nut free please.


Other Ideas: A slice of Malt Loaf, Low-fat cheese, Sugar-free jelly

Our meals are provided by City Catering. If you have any specific dietary requirements, please contact the school office. 

Free school meals for reception, year 1 and 2 children

From September 2014, ALL children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive a government funded meal each day at school.  


Pupil Premium

For every pupil registered with us as eligible under the entitlement criteria, the school will receive extra funding. This is called the pupil premium. It is used to help raise achievement levels. 

Each school decides how to spend the funding. They must publish details of what they have spent it on and the impact it has had.

So that schools (and pupils) can continue to benefit from this extra funding it is important that parents who do meet the  entitlement criteria continue to register their claim with us.


Your child could be eligible to receive free school meals.  For more information, eligibility criteria and to apply please click here
