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Wednesday Word Gospel Message for Familes

  • The Primary School Wednesday Word is an outreach which shares Sunday's Gospel with all school families, in a unique way.
  • This is a weekly Gospel 'gift' from the school to the child to take home, which then becomes a 'gift' from the child to the whole family.
  • Wednesday Word Family Time presents an opportunity for even the busiest of parents to enrich relationships with their children through spending a very special 10 minutes together each week.

  • Every Wednesday a ‘word’, inspired by the Sunday’s Gospel, will be suggested for families to talk about in the home. 

  • The Wednesday Word is structured around the Sunday Gospel, because evidence shows that Gospel values really do help family relationships to thrive.

  • The Wednesday Word Family Time leaflet is designed in a family friendly fashion to ensure that all family members feel included. It aims to be informative, enjoyable, and to help families maintain a special closeness throughout the school years.
