Mini Vinnie Team
Mini Vinnie Team
We are blessed at St Giles’ to have a vibrant and dynamic Mini Vinnies group. Like their patron and founder of the St Vincent de Paul Society, Mini Vinnies put our Catholic faith at the heart of all they do as they seek to put their faith into action. Mini Vinnies is open to Key Stage 2 children and they meet on a Thursday lunchtime. Every meeting is different – we enjoy team building games, praying together, craft activities, helping with the spiritual life of the school (e.g. monitoring prayer areas and leading prayer) and supporting charity fundraising.
Our Mini Vinnie team is responsible for helping our school grow as a community of faith. The team aims to ensure that Christ is at the centre of the school as well as encouraging all pupils to develop and share their faith through prayer, liturgy and worship. They do this by assisting Mrs. Wretham in the delivery of our Gospel assemblies and ensuring, with Mrs Howard and Miss Knobbs, that our school and classroom environments have a reflective and engaging prayer space in which we can feel God's presence each day. They also prepare and assist in class liturgies.
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him"- Colossians 3:17