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Welcome to Reception!

Water Bottles: Following healthy schools’ guidance, water bottles should only contain water, and will preferably be transparent.


Name labelling: We cannot stress enough the importance of every piece of uniform, PE kit, coats, water bottles, bags and anything else brought into school, being clearly marked with your child’s name.


Bags: Please send in a school book bag every day, containing the Reading diary, reading book/s and mini maths book.


Uniform & PE kits: Please see below for a reminder of the correct uniform and PE kit.

PE with an Mrs Brown (Year 6 teacher) is on Monday afternoons this term and with Miss Goodstadt is on Wednesday mornings.



Reading Diaries: Please comment daily in your child’s Reading Diary.

There are some suggestions and examples of the type of comments that would be useful, into each Reading Diary. There are suggestions and examples which apply whether your child is reading individual letter sounds, learning to orally blend with Fred Talk, learning to blend printed letters, reading ditty sheets, reading books, and also some example comments for comprehension of stories read to them.


Homework is usually sent home in the yellow books. They will be added to as children learn new letter sounds, and complete ditty sheets in their phonics group, as well as a piece of Maths/RE usually sent on Wednesdays.

Phonics homework is usually sent via Class Dojo, as links to the Read Write Inc. videos appropriate for each phonics group.

Maths homework will continue daily this term, in mini maths books.


Class Dojo is used for communication between parents and teachers. The relevant Read Write Inc. videos for each phonics group will continue to be shared via Class Dojo, for practising at home.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. If you have any concerns, or little niggles, please come and have a chat with a member of staff, so that we can resolve these quickly. We are all very approachable and more than happy to help.


Many thanks, as always, for your support,


Kind Regards,


Miss Goodstadt & Mrs Philip

We have been having lots of fun representing numbers 0-5 in different ways.

We have made bread just like the hen in our story 'The Little Red Hen.'

Suggested Books for Reception
