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Our CAFOD club is open to anyone in KS1 and it gives pupils the opportunity to take the lead in putting Catholic Social Teaching into action. Through games and activities the children widen their understanding of the world, enabling them to put their faith into action. In the club, children explore ways they can brighten up the world and reach people who urgently need our help. Because CAFOD is part of a global Church network, it has the potential to reach those that others cannot reach. From helping a child to have enough food to eat, to campaigning for justice, children in the CAFOD club support members of our global family to flourish and reach their potential. 

CAFOD Club Prayer

What is CAFOD? 

Click on the image below for a short film for children explaining the work that CAFOD does around the world. 


We have been learning about the Laudato Si encyclical - letter from Pope Francis, asking everyone to take care of our common home, God's creation.



Pope Francis has written a letter to everyone, asking us to reach out to our sisters and brothers in need, whoever they are, wherever they may come from. We are all challenged to think of ourselves as a single global family living in a common home, and neighbours to all.  

